The North Georgia WM Department provides opportunities for women and young girls to grow in grace, develop their spiritual gifts, and reach their fullest potential of Christian service.
First and foremost, we encourage you to spend time everyday in Bible reading and in prayer. We may be busy working for the Lord, but nothing of eternal value is ever accomplished without a firm foundation of the Word of God and heartfelt prayer.
We design our events for the purpose of teaching Biblical principles that will help you to become a Godly woman. Women’s Ministries helps to spiritually equip women, which promotes a strong, stable home life and strengthens the local church.
(Left to Right: Sandra Elrod - Secretary / Treasurer; Deanna Richey - Second Assistant, Missionettes; Dironn Hollingsworth - First Assistant; Tammy Benfield - Executive Director; Rhonda Dodd - Secretary / Recorder)
Tammy Benfield
Executive Director
Tammy has been active in women’s ministry for many years having served in different areas on the local church level and on the district level. She enjoys working and serving to help build the kingdom of God. Her heart is to help equip women to be strong women of God and to encourage them and others in their walk with Christ. Her and her husband, Terry Benfield, Pastor the Cornelia CH church and have a son and daughter-in-law, Justin and Ellen Benfield and a daughter and son-in- law Matthew and Makayla Graham who also serve the Lord.
Michelle Milligan
Lady Ministers Director
Michelle Milligan is a licensed minister and currently serves as the lady ministers Director for the North Georgia district of the congregational holiness church. Michelle, along with her husband Donald Milligan, reside in Lula, Georgia. She is currently the music minister at Faith Tabernacle Congregational Holiness Church in Talmo, Georgia. Michelle has been serving in ministry for 30 years and has been preaching for 20+ years she has a heart for women in ministry and a great passion for God‘s word.
Lady Ministers endeavors to create an atmosphere where women can realize spiritual maturity and fellowship, develop their leadership skills, and minister in the local church, their community and the world.
Our vision Is for you and every other Christian woman to be equipped to minister within your circle of influence. We are a mighty moving force of women, full of power, full of love and full of faith. Our goal is to love God by serving others. The possibilities are endless as we build the Kingdom of God in our city, throughout our country, and around the world.
Debra Gentry
Ministers Wives Director
Deanna Richey
Girls Director (Missionettes)
The goals of Missionettes are to win girls to Jesus Christ through love and acceptance, to train girls in Biblical principles of discipleship, to assist girls in developing spiritually and mentally, to provide encouragement, support, and accountability through Christian relationships, and to provide an environment for girls to develop their gifts and talents." The Missionettes ministry trains girls to become soul winners. The Missionettes are organized on the local, district, and national levels.